AW17 Beauty Trend Report: Part 4


Wylde Beauty Director, Terry Barber, breaks down the season's hottest beauty trends

The deconstruction of the ultimate glamour statement, red, is one of the big beauty stories for AW17. It’s moved away from being just a lip statement and has appeared as decadent accents on eyes or healthy flushes on cheeks, with stories ranging from grungy Geishas at Kenzo to ravaged left-overs at Preen. It’s an interesting departure from a perfect power lip, with beauty preferring to explore aspects of romanticism and softness with an edge. This idea of a looser, more blurred, rubbed in interpretation of a red lip speaks of how women are keen to rid themselves of the strict uniformity of beauty and seek a renewed sense of femininity and energy. A return to the flushed, outdoorsy face felt very much reactionary to years of being told to follow blueprint contour recipes. It’s a definite return to sensuality and effortlessness.

Words by Terry Barber