Prada: Real Fantasies Spring Summer 2016

AMO's interpretation of Prada's latest offering

Prada has once again teamed up with Dutch Design team AMO to successfully add to it's Real Fantasies series. The ongoing video project was launched in 2007 and is seasonally released alongside Prada's main collection campaign, functioning as an abstract moving look book. AMO's latest offering is a surrealvision of Prada's Spring Summer 2016 collection and explores this seasons key themes and references, mainly orientating around

the' 'Indefinite Hangar’ setting featured in both the mens and womens catwalk shows (also designed by AMO!).

Within this seasons video, we see the catwalk space re-interpreted into a never ending continuous wolrd, detailed only by cut out details and negative space that suggest relatable yet surreal looking everyday settings, such walking down the street or sitting on a train, culminating in a bizarre yet satisfying visual experience!