Fragrant Memories...

Report and photographs by Yamine Daaboul

As a child, Yves Coueslant, one of Diptyque’s founders, spent his summers at a seaside pagoda that his father had built in Đồ Sơn, in Hạ Long Bay, Vietnam. Far from the humid heat of the large port in Hải Phòng, the air was cooler. The sea breeze carried with it the heady and slightly spicy scent of tuberoses, a favourite of his mother. These potent memories infuse Diptyque’s new Do Son range of Eau de Toilette, Eau de Parfum, Hand Cream, Shower Oil, Hair Mist etc. The collection is the embodiment of precious and persistent memories from a childhood spent in Indochina. Memories of flowers; hovering between refreshing and enveloping.

Shop the Collection on Diptyque’s website